Create Go project using modules

08 November 2020

Here I’ll tell You how to create in a very simple way a new Go project using Go modules. It’s the actual recommended way to create new projects in Go language.

Please change the directory to the location, where the app will be developed.

cd {your-project-dir}

Now let’s create a new prpject using go mod init command:

go mod init{your_username}/{repo_name}

Write Your app, starting from main.go.

go build

When You will launch the build, the go.mod file will be automatically created, every dependency will be wrote inside.

Use Your favorite version control system, as git to commit everything.

Also You could use following commands:

go mod tidy - for removing unwanted dependecies.

go mod vendor - to download all dependencies and it’s placement into /vendor folder.

© 2020 Fedir RYKHTIK