TYPO3 Fedext contribution cheat sheet
Quick notes how to participate to TYPO3 Fedext development.
How to participate to TYPO3 Fedext project
- Find a ticket, related to the work of make one
- Fork the project on the github
- Clone it locally
- Make branch with ID related to the feature You are doing
- Work locally
- One change per commit - one commit per change
- Use short subjects and prefix them correctly
- [TASK]
- [DOC]
- Respect TYPO3 coding guidelines
- Push to github
- Make pull request
Create, edit and push the branch to the origin
Fork update
Edit a commit message in already sent pull request
- https://fedext.net/overview/contributing/contribution-guide.html
- http://www.turnkeylinux.org/blog/git-fix-commits