TDDD rules
TDDD (ToDo Driven Development) is a project management microframework, which aims fast resolving of task of any level of complexity.
ToDo List paradigms
- be as much precise as possible
- do not add elements, which You couldn’t / wouldn’t do
- use tasks hierarchy to segment complex stuff in simple elements
- the absence of todos in the list is good, respect it
- done must be removed, only elements to do are still in list
- todo is the result of task analyze, and not the task itself
- you shouldn’t do more, than your list, only minimal actions to achieve and eliminate do-elements
- be fast and precise
- you could add additional do-elements, if you understand, what it’s necessary
- todo list could be changed, to acheive the result faster
Structure of TDDD list
During ToDo Driven Develoment (TDDD) our list of future planning consists from do-elements, “do-s”, which should be done, and (optionnaly) in which sequence. Any additional information should be classed into corresponding do-elments.
ToDo list tips
- todo list could be versionned
- todo list could be distributed between teams
Who makes ToDo list ?
The person (team), who will do tasks
Could I modify todo list after it was created ?
TDDD aims the result, the list of todos could be optimized.
What is the difference with ?
TDDD is not about code. It’s about everything. It’s a meta framework and paradigms which optimized for getting things done.